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Title: Anno Dracula
Author: Kim Newman
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-genre: Vampire fiction, vampire mystery
Pages: 409
Published: 1992
Publisher: Titan
ISBN: 2290049662
Reader's Annotation: A vampire is now the Prince Consort. Will England be the same?
Summary: Charles Beauregard must solve the murders in London's Whitechapel using the help if an elder vampire
My Evaluation: I was extremely skeptical of this book. I normally am not a fan of vampire stuff (though I did like the show Moonlight but that had a lot more to do with the man who placed the main character). However, the book was pretty decent, once I ignored the fact that Newman combined and changed histories. There were two things I really disliked about the book. The first was that Newman told the readers who the murderer was WAY to earlier in the book! I couldn't believe it. It would have been better to keep the reader in suspense for a longer time. The second thing I didn't like was the ending. There was some reason but not a lot and I wish Newman had "cleaned" up things...
Rating: 4 out of 5