Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Coming Together
Title: Her Daughter's Dream
Author: Francine Rivers
Genre: Christian Fiction
Sub-genre: Inspirational
Pages: 580
Published: 2010
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN: 1414334095
Series #: 2
Reader's Annotation: Will this family ever heal? If so, how will it affect Dawn's life?
Summary: A continuation of the first book, Carolyn struggles to find her way in life and then Dawn struggles to stop being caught in the middle. This book follows Hildemara Rose's daughter, Carolyn through her life growing up in the turbulent 1960s and the birth of her daughter, May Flower Dawn. Then it switches to Dawn's life growing up in the new world of terrorism and war.
My Evaluation: I was crying by the end of this book! I won't give away the ending but I was kind of disappointed Rivers ended the series this way... I can see why she did it but it was heartbreaking! I connected with each of the characters like like the other book but especially with Dawn because she went through a lot of the same things I did, only she was older and married when they happened but I remember those events well.
Rating: 4.9 out of 5