Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lost and Found

Title: Lost and Found
Series name and number: Rocky Pelligrino #1
Author: Jacqueline Sheehan
Genre: Romance
Sub-genre: Mystery, chic-lit
Pages:  278
Published: 2009
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
ISBN:  0061128643
Reader's Annotation: How will finding a hurt dog affect Rocky's life choice?
Summary: Rocky's life changes when her husband suddenly dies. She completely uproots herself and travels to an island of her childhood to gain some perspective on what to do with the rest of her life. She takes the job as the animal warden and discovers a injured dog. This dog will lead Rocky on a journey she may not be ready for.
My Evaluation: ** spoiler alert ** I'm not quiet sure what to make of this book... In some ways I really liked it but in others I didn't. I liked the overall story (women's husband dies, she goes off to find herself, finds a great dog to have, etc) but stuff kept getting in the way (long diatribes that didn't really add to the story, switching narrators including the dog's point of view!)...
Rating:  2.5 out of 5