Friday, September 21, 2012
Title: Bunheads
Author: Sophie Flack
Genre: Fiction
Sub-genre: Chick lit, women's fiction, dance
Pages: 294
Published: 2011
Publisher: Poppy
ISBN: 0316126535
Reader's Annotation: Will Hannah get the roles she's long coveted?
Summary: Hannah, a principle dancer at the Manhattan Dance Company and is trying to become a soloist. Flack takes us through the ups of getting a singular solo to the downs of basically being told that weight is an issue.
My Evaluation: Wow... I don't know what to say but this book was really really good... The emotions that Flack pulls you in are just incredible. She makes you cry with Hannah, laugh with her, and ultimately pull for her to get promoted.
Rating: 4.7 out of 5
Chick Lit,
Sophie Flack,
Women's Fiction
Series Part 2
Title: Seizure
Series: Virals, #2
Author: Kathy Reichs
Genre: Fiction
Sub-genre: Young Adult, Science fiction, Mystery
Pages: 496
Published: 2011
Publisher: Razorbill
ISBN: 0099543885
Reader's Annotation: Things have finally settled down from the incident, or have they?
Summary: Tory and her friends (the Pack) have found out that the place where most of their parents work is going to be closed. They try to figure out a way to come up with the millions needed to keep their families together and along the way, figure out how to use the "powers" they've been given.
My Evaluation: I enjoyed this book much better than the first. The story seemed to move much quicker and while I still think the whole "we have powers" thing is ridiculous, the story is well written and the historical issues and mystery is there.
Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Kathy Reichs,
Science fiction,
Young Adult
New Series
Title: Virals
Series: Virals, #1
Author: Kathy Reichs
Genre: Fiction
Sub-genre: Young Adult, Science fiction, Mystery
Pages: 448
Published: 2010
Publisher: Razorbill
ISBN: 1595143424
Reader's Annotation: Can Tory and her friends survive
Summary: Tory Brennan (Niece of the famous anthropologist Temperance Brennan from Reich's other books) lives with her father, whom she's now just getting to know. How will a mysterious dog tag change her and her friends' lives forever?
My Evaluation: While not as detailed in terms of Forensic Anthropology like Reichs' other books, Virals is an excellent read, especially for those YA readers who like mystery. It was a little slow to begin with but once the story got rolling, I didn't want to put it down. The only thing that bothered me is the whole "super-powers" thing... extremely far fetched and isn't really true.
Rating: 2.4 out of 5
Kathy Reichs,
Science fiction,
Young Adult
Funny man
Title: Most Talkative: stories from the front lines of pop culture
Author: Andy Cohen
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-genre: Comedy, autobiography
Pages: 288
Published: 2012
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
ISBN: 0805095837
Reader's Annotation: Stories that you refuse to admit you watch
Summary: Andy Cohen, producer and host of many Bravo TV shows, takes us on a journey of how he came to Bravo and the Real Housewives of _____.
My Evaluation: While rather amusing, I was a little disappointed in this book... I was expecting a lot more stories about the Real Housewives and other Bravo stories. Instead I got more of a life story of him, which again while funny, wasn't what I was expecting when I picked up this book.
Rating: 4.2.4 out of 5
Andy Cohen,
Most Talkative
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Key to the Bones
Title: The Inquisitor's Key
Series name and number: Body Farm, #7
Author: Jefferson Bass
Genre: Mystery
Sub-genre: Crime, Forensics, Suspense, Thriller, historical mysteries
Pages: 352
Published: 2012
Publisher: William Morrow
ISBN: 006180679X
Reader's Annotation: How will Dr. Brockton solve the mystery of the bones and stay alive himself?
Summary: Dr. Bill Brockton, after being nearly blown away by an sniper, is mysteriously called to France by Miranda. As he and Miranda work to solve an ancient mystery, will both he and Miranda realize their feelings and stay alive at the same time?
My Evaluation: ** spoiler alert ** I enjoyed this book, but not as much as some of Bass's other works... This book felt, at least in the beginning, rushed. I found it quiet annoying that Isabelle get's a one line mention that she's dead from the Japan Tsunami, when some of the previous book was spent wondering if she was carrying Dr. B's child... It was just so random and and seemed like a cop-out to get rid of her. While this is now the third book I've read detailing the papacy at Avignon, its not the best, as much as I hate to say it. I do like the fact that Bass focused on a small part of that history rather than the Templars (which the other two books did) and their dealings with the papacy there. But something still felt missing from this book... may be it was the ending in that Miranda saved Dr. B... but didn't really end it... It was a rather annoying ending.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Lost and Found
Title: Lost and Found
Series name and number: Rocky Pelligrino #1
Author: Jacqueline Sheehan
Genre: Romance
Sub-genre: Mystery, chic-lit
Pages: 278
Published: 2009
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
ISBN: 0061128643
Reader's Annotation: How will finding a hurt dog affect Rocky's life choice?
Summary: Rocky's life changes when her husband suddenly dies. She completely uproots herself and travels to an island of her childhood to gain some perspective on what to do with the rest of her life. She takes the job as the animal warden and discovers a injured dog. This dog will lead Rocky on a journey she may not be ready for.
My Evaluation: ** spoiler alert ** I'm not quiet sure what to make of this book... In some ways I really liked it but in others I didn't. I liked the overall story (women's husband dies, she goes off to find herself, finds a great dog to have, etc) but stuff kept getting in the way (long diatribes that didn't really add to the story, switching narrators including the dog's point of view!)...
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Chick Lit,
Jacqueline Sheehan,
Lost and Found,
Title: The Chosen One
Author: Carol Lynch Williams
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Sub-genre: Teen, Contemporary, Religion, Romance
Pages: 213
Published: 2009
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 0312555113
Reader's Annotation: Will Kyra be able to chose between family and what her heart's desire?
Summary: Kyra is a 13 year old growing up in an isolated community that is following a religious leader. She is chosen to marry someone when she is in love with not only books but a boy. What will happen when her parents and community find out about her?
My Evaluation: Whoever thought this was a good book for young adults/teens needs something, I don't know what. It is completely not a young adult/teen book. Maybe okay for High school students but anything less, absolutely not. The concepts and images depicted in this book are of a rough nature and hard for younger readers to deal with. It was a very disturbing book... The writing was good but disturbing.
Rating: 2 out of 5
The Bone Yard
Title: The Bone Yard
Series name and number: Body Farm, #6
Author: Jefferson Bass
Genre: Mystery
Sub-genre: Crime, Forensics, Suspense, Thriller, historical mysteries
Pages: 336
Published: 2011
Publisher: William Morrow
ISBN: 0061806781
Reader's Annotation: How will Dr. Brockton solve the mystery of the yard and stay alive himself?
Summary: Dr. Bill Brockton comes back and is still adjusting from his previous mystery. As he's giving a lecture at the Body Farm, one of his students gets a call and rushes out. Through a chain of events, Dr. B comes to help both the student and help solve a decades old mystery of a boys' reform school in Florida.
My Evaluation: Holy moly, Dr. Bass and Jon Jefferson have done it again. Such a good read! Keep you intrigued right until the end. Love the work!
Rating: 5 out of 5
Jefferson Bass,
The Bone Yard
Stories of the Black Hand
Title: The Circus Fire: A True Story of an American Tragedy
Author: Laurie Fabiano
Genre: Historical fiction
Sub-genre: Semi-autobiographical
Pages: 410
Published: 2009
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 1442152613
Reader's Annotation: The story of a family through the 1900s into the 1980s and the role they played in Lower East Side in NYC's history
Summary: Fabiano brings to light stories form her family in Giovanna, who's family was a target of the early ancestors of the Mafia (known as The Black Hand), and how she survived to pass down her stories to the author.
My Evaluation: What an interesting book... I was not a fan of the switching time periods but it made sense. I also didn't like how many characters I had to remember and how they were related to each other. I also absolutely hated the ending. She just ended it so abruptly! The story was fascinating but some of it needed a but more flushing out...
Rating: 3.4 out of 5
I Hunt Killers
Title: I hunt Killers
Series and number: Jasper Dent #1
Author: Barry Lygra
Genre: Suspense
Sub-genre: Crime, Thriller, mystery
Pages: 361
Published: 2012
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
ISBN: 0316125849
Reader's Annotation: What if your dad was a notorious serial killers?
Summary: Jasper (Jazz) Dent is a teenager who lives with his grandmother after his father is arrested as a notorious serial killer. But his world is about to change when a body that is an exact copy of his father's kills shows up in his town again. What will Jasper and his friend and girlfriend do to help the cops catch the killer?
My Evaluation: woah... I wasn't quite sure about this book but the last 1/3 were AMAZING. It was a little slow to get into and was questioning why Lygra did some of things he did but at the end it totally made sense. Now I can't wait to read more!
Rating: 4.2 out of 5
NOTE: This is classified as a Young Adult novel, however I wouldn't have someone younger than 15 at the very least read this book. It has many graphic details that aren't appropriate for many readers.
Barry Lygra,
I Hunt Killers,
Rockettes, Rockstars, and rockbottom
Title: Rockettes, Rockstars, and Rockbottom
Author: Keltie Colleen
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-genre: Autobiography, romance, dance
Pages: 168
Published: 2010
Publisher: Deadxstop Publishing Company
ISBN: 9780977766598
Reader's Annotation: How will Keltie's life change when she meets a rocker?
Summary: Colleen is a dancer in NYC who has danced with such companies as the NYC Rockettes. This book deals with her life as a struggling dancer, meeting rockers, and how her life has changed because of it.
My Evaluation: I enjoyed this book... to some extent. Her stories about auditioning were great but I expected more stories about what life was like as a Rockette. I didn't enjoy the tons of self-loathing that is a good chunk of the book. I would have much preferred to hear about life as one of an iconic dance troupes. I was also annoyed at the fact that when she talked about the guys she dated, she never mentioned their names. Yes, I understand the need for privacy but it was really annoying.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Circus fire
Title: The Circus Fire: A True Story of an American Tragedy
Author: Stewart O'Nan and Alice van Straalen
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-genre: history
Pages: 384
Published: 2008
Publisher: Anchor
ISBN: 0385496850
Reader's Annotation: One of the worst entertainment fires in the 20th century, O'Nan tells the tale of all those invovled
Summary: Ringling Brothers and Co circus was/is one of the biggest names in circus names. The story of the Hartford Circus fire in 1944 harkens back on memories of other disasters and is heart wrenching. The account of how the fire started, the heroism, and the finality of the fire is one that is worth reading about.
My Evaluation: Wow... What a great book. I had never heard about this story before and I was really happy I picked it up. Now I want to read about other circus stories!. O'Nan does an excellent job of setting the story, telling what happened, and then mopping it up afterwards. The only reason is it didn't get five stars is that there were too many people to keep track of. I wish O'Nan had put a little more effort in to telling the reader who so and so is again instead of the reader having to remember as there are a lot of details in this book.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Alice Van Straalen,
Stewart O'Nan
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Changing your life
Title: Time of my life
Author: Allison Winn Scotch
Genre: Women's Fiction
Sub-genre: psychology, fantasy, time travel
Pages: 304
Published: 2008
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 0307408574
Reader's Annotation: What happens when Jillian becomes unsure of her of her current situation and while thinking about it falls into the possibility to change things?
Summary: Jillian has it all. Perfect little girl, dutiful, faithful husband, gorgeous home. But something feels off. One day at her massage, it all changes and she suddenly wakes up 7 years in the past. She's back with her previous boyfriend, back with her friends, and in her old job. What happens when she changes everything to get back what she thinks is the perfect world?
My Evaluation: I'm still not sure what to make of this book. It was a little hard to get into but once I did it was a good book. However the ending was extremely unsatisfying and felt extremely rushed. All of a suddenly after seeing her "masseuse" she's back in the present but has suddenly okay with her mother? It just seemed out of the blue.
Rating: 2.9 out of 5
Saturday, June 16, 2012
New book!
Author: Kate Alcott
Genre: Historical Fiction
Sub-genre: romance, history
Pages: 306
Published: 2012
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
ISBN: 0385535589
Reader's Annotation: Tess's life could be so much more. Meeting one of the world's most famous designers will change it forever. But will that change be for good or for bad?
Summary: Tess is a girl from the country. In order to escape a perverted son of an employer, she travels to the dock where the Titanic is about to set sail. There she meets Lucile Duff-Gordon, a world famous dressmaker. She convinces "Madame" to take her on as a maid in order to showcase her skills in dressmaking. As history shows, the Titanic would hit an iceberg and sink. Amidst the turmoil that was going on that night, Tess, Lucile, and her husband, all escape, long with many other first class passengers. Alcott weaves a tale of what happened that night and the aftermath to come as well as weaving a tale of romance between Tess and fellow first class passenger and Tess and a sailor.
My Evaluation: I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads and I'm now getting around to reading it! It was a good book. Alcott's writing is extremely easy to follow and she makes you want to know what happens to her characters. It was a fairly quick read once I got into read it and into it. However, there were a couple things I wasn't so fond of. The first was taking so long to bring Jack Bremeton back. It just took too long in my opinion to reveal to the reader that he was alive and by that point I was ready for Tess and rooting for Tess to be with Jim. So I think it would have made a much more compelling story at least in terms of romance if Alcott had brought Jack back earlier and made Tess's decision even harder.
Rating: 4.7 out of 5
historical fiction,
Kate Alcott,
The Dressmaker
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Fall of Giants
Author: Ken Follett
Genre: Historical Fiction
Sub-genre: romance, history
Pages: 1000
Published: 2011
Publisher: NAL Trade
ISBN: 0451232577
Series: Century Trilogy, #1
Reader's Annotation: Several different stories intertwine with the 20th century's first major war
Summary: Follett weaves a long tale of several stories of different families from different cultures and classes through the tale of World War I. From a lower class coal mine workers to a Lord from Wales, to Russian workers, Follett allows the reader to gain a new prospective on a war that was suppose to end all wars.
My Evaluation: Such a long book! I'm really glad I finished it. Follett, while over writes some details like the exact brand of gun or grenade, weaves a good tale. You grow to love the characters and wonder what happens to them. This and the fact that within each chapter, the story jumps from family to family so sometimes you have rack your brain as to what happened to that character because sometimes Follett takes a long break from them. I did get use to it after a while but it was kind of annoying
Rating: 4.7 out of 5
Fall of Giants,
historical fiction,
Ken Follett,
Friday, June 8, 2012
New LC!
Title: The Fame Game
Author: Lauren Conrad
Genre: chick lit
Sub-genre: women's fiction, romance, teen
Pages: 313
Published: 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen
ISBN: 0062073281
Series: The Fame Game, book 1
Reader's Annotation: How will Madison handle another series?
Summary: Madison and Gabby (from the L.A. Candy Series) are back for another series from Lauren Conrad (of The Hills fame). "Now Madison's ready for her turn in the spotlight and she'll stop at nothing to get it. Sure, she's the star of a new show, but with backstabbing friends and suspicious family members trying to bring her down, Madison has her work cut out for her. Plus, there's a new nice girl in "reality" town—aspiring actress Carmen Price, the daughter of Hollywood royalty—and she's a lot more experienced at playing the fame game... When the camera's start rolling, whose star will shine brighter?" from
My Evaluation: Great easy summer read. I honestly really like LC's style of writing. You get attached to her characters and want what they want or hate them :) However, this book is 90% exactly like the first book in the L.A. Candy series... Which was frustrating. The only big differences is Carmen compared to Scarlet
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Chick Lit,
Lauren Conrad,
The Fame Game,
Women's Fiction
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Love in the Time of War
Title: Bridge of Scarlet Leaves
Author: Kristina McMorris
Genre: Historical Fiction
Sub-genre: women's fiction, romance, adventure
Pages: 437
Published: 2012
Publisher: Kensington Publishing
ISBN: 0758246854
Reader's Annotation: America's entrance into World War II changes the lives of two families forever through the eyes of two cultures seemingly two worlds apart.
Summary: Maddie, a talented violinist, headed for Julliard, falls in love with Lane, a Japanese-America and in that blind love, marries him. Through the book, McMorris, gives the reader a view of families caught in the upheaval in the days and years following Pearl Harbor
My Evaluation: Wow... what a book. Could not put it down! I won this book via Sarah Jio's site and I waited to read it. Ms. McMorris weaves a tale of three young people at America's entrance to WWII giving accurate and rich details that makes you fall in love with the characters. I ended up cheering for them when they succedded and crying when they had problems. There was only one downside to the book (see after next line). However baring this one downside, the book is excellent and couldn't wait to find and read her other book. She's an amazing writer. It was a little hard to go back and forth between several different view points but once I got use to it after a couple of chapters, it flowed amazingly.!
I was extremely unhappy with Ms. McMorris having Lane die! I couldn't believe after all that both he and Maddie went through to be together, she killed him! Granted he died a hero but still!
Rating: 5 out of 5
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Title: Fifty Shades of Grey
Author: E.L. James
Genre: Romance
Sub-genre: women's fiction
Pages: 360
Published: 2011
Publisher: The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House
ISBN: 1612130291
Series #: 1
Reader's Annotation: What will Anna do once she meets Christian Grey?
Summary: Anastasia Steel, an about to be recent graduate of WSU-Vancouver has to interview Christian Grey of Grey Enterprises INC. She is immediately attracted to him but there is something mysterious. What happens to Anna once she finds out what that is?
My Evaluation: I can definitely see why this book is popular and to be honest the "erotica" part of it wasn't all that bad. I've read worse romance novels! So people are making a big deal over nothing. I don't know if this was just the speaker I was listening to (I listen to this as an audio book) but I found the writing, extremely juvenile... it reminded me a lot of Lauren Conrad's books and writing style. I probably won't read the rest in the series.
Rating: 2 out of 5
EL James,
Fifty Shades of Grey,
Women's Fiction
Coming Together
Title: Her Daughter's Dream
Author: Francine Rivers
Genre: Christian Fiction
Sub-genre: Inspirational
Pages: 580
Published: 2010
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN: 1414334095
Series #: 2
Reader's Annotation: Will this family ever heal? If so, how will it affect Dawn's life?
Summary: A continuation of the first book, Carolyn struggles to find her way in life and then Dawn struggles to stop being caught in the middle. This book follows Hildemara Rose's daughter, Carolyn through her life growing up in the turbulent 1960s and the birth of her daughter, May Flower Dawn. Then it switches to Dawn's life growing up in the new world of terrorism and war.
My Evaluation: I was crying by the end of this book! I won't give away the ending but I was kind of disappointed Rivers ended the series this way... I can see why she did it but it was heartbreaking! I connected with each of the characters like like the other book but especially with Dawn because she went through a lot of the same things I did, only she was older and married when they happened but I remember those events well.
Rating: 4.9 out of 5
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Travels to China
Title: The Emperor's Tomb
Author: Steve Berry
Genre: Suspense
Sub-genre: Thriller, historical fiction, mystery
Pages: 436
Published: 2010
Publisher: Ballantine Books
ISBN: 0345505492
Series Order: #6 (First book in the series can be found here)
Reader's Annotation: How will Cotton get out of China?
Summary: Cotton Malone is once again dragged into an international problem in order to help save China and his love, Cassiopeia Vitt. As he travels first to Belgium, then to China, he has to figure out who is on what side. Will he do it in time?
My Evaluation: I adore Berry's books, however, this one was not my favorite. While the mystery was good and I as a reader was never quiet sure who was playing who and who was working for whom, I had a hard time getting into the historical stuff. I think it is because it's Eastern history and that's not a favorite of mine. Not to mention not being able to pronounce names made it doubly challenging.
Rating: 3.8 out of 5
Napoleon's Pyramids
(Ethan Gage, #1) by William Dietrich
The Expected One
(Magdalene Line Trilogy, #1) by Kathleen McGowan
The Crystal Skull by Manda Scott
The Solomon Effect by C.S. Graham
The Amber Room by Steve Berry
Friday, May 4, 2012
Breaking silence
Title: Breaking Silence
Author: Linda Castillo
Genre: Suspense
Sub-genre: Crime, Amish, Women's lit
Pages: 302
Published: 2011
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 0312374992
Series Order: #3
Reader's Annotation: Will the silence in the community be the breaking point?
Summary: Chief Kate Burkholder once again has crimes going on in her community that she cannot seem to figure out. First, their are the hate crimes against the Amish. Then there are the Slabaugh family murders. What must Kate do to solve this and how will her relationship with Tomsetti fit in to all of it?
My Evaluation: Once again Castillo has an excellent book. One of the things I love most about this series is that not only is Kate flawed (sometimes detrimentally) but she brings a very unique perspective to life. That of a former Amish being involved in the community. Castillo also makes her secondary characters (in this case Solme) come to life. You feel for them as well as hate them.
Rating: 4.8 out of 5
Sworn to Silence (Kate Burkholder, #1)
Pray for Silence (Kate Burkholder, #2)
Breaking Silence,
Linda Castillo,
Women's Fiction
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Heart Shaped Box
Author: Joe Hill
Genre: Horror
Sub-genre: Thriller, Suspense, supernatural
Pages: 376
Published: 2007
Publisher: William Morrow
ISBN: 0061147931
Reader's Annotation: The dead rise again
Summary: Judas Coyne has a macabre collections of items but the heart shaped box he gets filled with a dead man's suit is like nothing he's ever seen before. The dead man, the stepfather of a former girlfriend starts to haunt him and his current girlfriend. Will they make it out alive?
My Evaluation: Holy son of a mother. This is probably the worst book I've ever read. It has way too much swearing for my taste and I swear the author (who is Stephen King's son) was on both acid and magic mushrooms when he wrote this. The supernatural elements are truly unbelievable. The supposed "horror" part of this book, is extremely sick and twist and while I'm a huge fan of Criminal Minds, this is just unbelievable. Not to mention there are a lot of triggers in here for me, and because this book was required reading for me, I wish it had included trigger warnings. It is an extremely disturbing book. In addition to this, the ending makes absolutely no sense in compared to the rest of the book. It's all happiness and daises. It just does not fit.
Rating: 0 out of 5 (I would never in my right mind recommend this book to anybody. It's horrible!)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Witness of a murder
Title: The Witness
Author: Nora Roberts
Genre: Mystery
Sub-genre: Romance, Thriller
Pages: 757
Published: 2012
Publisher: Putnam Adult
ISBN: 0399159371
Reader's Annotation: Will Elizabeth Finch survive after witnessing a Russian mob murder?
Summary: Elizabeth Finch is a 16 year old who, after a fight with her rigid mother, buys a bottle of hair dye, cuts her hair and goes shopping. From her life changes. She goes to a nightclub with a friend after forging fake IDs and they meet two members of the Volkov crime family. After being taken to Alexie's house in a posh district of Chicago, Elizabeth witnesses Alexie's and her friend's death. From then on her life is on the run.
My Evaluation: In true Nora Roberts fashion, the book is predictable. However, it's a great read. The first half, is a page turner with its suspense but in the second half of the book, not so much. However I have enjoyed NR's latest two books (This and The Search). The one thing I like about Nora Robert's books, especially this one, is, I can see who would make good actors for each role. This book definitely would make a great chick movie.
Rating: 4.0 out of 5
Nora Roberts,
The Witness,
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Adventure in the Caribbean
Title: Hawke
Author: Ted Bell
Genre: Mystery
Sub-genre: Suspense, Adventure, Crime
Pages: 432
Published: 2003
Publisher: Atria Books
ISBN: 074346669
Series Order: #1
Reader's Annotation: How will Hawke find his love as well as the treasure his family is owed?
Summary: Hawke, a former British agent, who now freelances for both the British and American government, doesn't remember his parents. He remembers the time after their death but nothing before. As a mission that he is called on to do for both an old friend in the American government as well as for personal reasons, Hawke must protect his crew, the love of his life, and the lives of thousands of people.
My Evaluation: I was pleasantly surprised at this book. The mystery kept me till the end, it was a times a little slow. There were at times, things for confusing because they were happening at the same time. Like of some the other books, this one has words that are either in French or Spanish and yet they aren't translated. It was quiet annoying. I will probably continue to read the series!
Rating: 4.0 out of 5
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Mother and Daughter relationship
Title: Her Mother's Hope
Author: Francine Rivers
Genre: Christian Fiction
Sub-genre: Inspirational
Pages: 498
Published: 2010
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN: 1414318634
Reader's Annotation: Will Marta and Hildemara overcome their differences to come together.
Summary: Marta, a young girl in the beginning of the book is growing up under a repressive father. As she continues to grow, she leaves home and makes her way around Europe, eventually settling in Canada and marrying Niclas, a German engineer. Hildemara, her oldest daughter is born in the Canadian prairie, but unlike Marta's first child, she's sickly. Marta and Hildie's relationship continues to strain and repair as the book follows their lives through the 1950s
My Evaluation: Now I've read Francine Rivers before and I liked many of her books but wow... this book was gripping. Rivers writes her characters so richly and makes you so entranced with them that you must continue to read. Many of times I wanted to slap Marta for her treatment of Hildie and maybe it's just because I connected with how Hildie was feeling through most of the second half of the book. But that's what Francine wants. She wants you to connect with her characters. I cannot wait to read the second half of this story, which is partly based on Rivers' mother and grandmother.
Rating: 4.9 out of 5
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
In the Garden of Beasts
Title: In the Garden of Beasts
Author: Erik Larson
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-genre: History, Nazism, WWII, European History
Pages: 450
Published: 2011
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 0307408841
Reader's Annotation:A window into the American Ambassador in Germany as Hitler rises to power
Summary: Erik Larson provides a historical look into the lives of William Dodd and his daughter, Martha as he is made America's ambassador to Germany in 1933. Rich with fact, Larson's look provides a window into an American family's perspective to the rise of the Nazis
My Evaluation: Once again Erik Larson is an consummate historian. His research is outstanding. I only know of Dodd by name and not much else so this was an eye-opener. Once it again, Larson proves his point that had the US government listened to Dodd as well as others, 6 million lives would have not been lost to the mad men of Hitler and his cronies. Dodd, a very staunch Jeffersonian, wants a different way for the ambassadorship, especially in Europe but once again the old boys club in Washington at this time, fails to listen to him. Larson's research into Dodd's life as well as Martha's, was amazing. Martha's tryst with NKVD operative is especially astounding considering the atmosphere at the time. However, unlike the other two books of Larson's that I have read, this one was much drier. His other two books had a mystery element to them, as both involved a murder (Devil in the White City and Thunderstruck) so this book was harder to get through than the others.
Rating: 3.8 out of 5
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson
Thunderstruck by Erik Larson
Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman by Robert K. Massie
Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie
The Monster of Florence by Preston Douglas
Cleopatra by Stacy Schiff
The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman
The Liberators: America's Witnesses to the Holocaust by Michael Hirsh
The Mascot: Unraveling the Mystery of My Jewish Father's Nazi Boyhood by Mark Kurzem
Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi
Erik Larson,
In the Garden of Beasts,
World War II
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Mystery over generations
Author: Philip Carter (aka Penelope Williamson)
Genre: Thriller
Sub-genre: Conspiracy, suspense, romance, murder, mystery
Pages: 480
Published: 2011
Publisher: Gallery
ISBN: 1439199086
Reader's Annotation: How are Zoe and Ry's lives interconnected and will they be able to find the Altar of Bones?
Summary: By a series of events in the past, Zoe and Ryland's lives are interconnected. They are brought together by Zoe's grandmother's death and the deaths of Ry's father and brother. Now together they must find and save the Altar of Bones
My Evaluation: The dust jacket flaps for this book made it sound really good... However, Penelope Williamson should still to writing romance novels (what she's know for writing). The premise behind the book is good and well intentioned, but the conspiracy (how both JFK and Marilyn Monroe were murdered and why) is just way to far fetched to be believable. Not to mention the chase scenes were something badly written right out of the Bourne movies. There were some great twists and turns in the books but overall it was poorly written.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Altar of Bones,
Penelope Williamson,
Philip Carter,
Monday, April 9, 2012
Where it is bitterly cold
Author: Tess Gerritsen
Genre: Suspense
Sub-genre: Medical, crime, Adventure
Pages: 322
Published: 2010
Publisher: Ballantine Books
ISBN: 034551548X
Series #: Rizzoli and Isles #8
Reader's Annotation: What was in the valley that was so bad?
Summary: Maura takes a brief workcation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming where she meets up with a former classmate. As they leave the medical conference,what will become of them as they get caught in a snowstorm?
My Evaluation: First off, I would not recommend reading this out of order. There are lots of details that people must know and will be confused by if they do. That said, this book is excellent. I listened to it as an audiobook and it was sufficiently scary (though I was listening to it in a semi-strange house and at night) and Gerritsen throws in a lot of twists and turns. I can't wait to read the next book!
Rating: 4.9 out of 5
Sworn To Silence by Linda Castillo
Blindsight by Robin Cook
Boneyard by Michelle Gagnon
The Face of Deception by Iris Johansen
The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver
Blindsighted by Karin Slaughter
Postmortem by Patricia Cornwell
Triptych by Karin Slaughter
The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen
Carved in Bone by Jefferson Bass
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Where fact meets fiction
Author: Robin Oliveira
Genre: Historical Fiction
Sub-genre: East Coast, Civil War, Medicine
Pages: 364
Published: 2010
Publisher: Viking Adult
ISBN: 0670021679
Reader's Annotation: Will Mary get what she wants and change the course of a nation's history?
Summary: Mary Sutter, a 20-something women from Albany, New York and practicing midwife, wants more for her life in then small town life. After the let down of a love and the rejection of the medical college, Mary leaves home for Washington DC and to help in the emerging Civil War. Mary's tale of triumph and loss is interwoven with that of rich historical detail of the beginnings of America's bloodiest war
My Evaluation: The story of this remarkable woman and the men and women around her who risked their lives to save the nation's soldiers are the true un-sung heroes of the Civil War. Oliveira's novel is richly researched and a tale is truly woven. However, I felt that there was something lacking... I tried to connect with Mary in her triumphs and losses but something kept me from fully doing that. I can't place my finger on what it was but it was there. Overall, though, it was a good novel and great for those who love Civil War history.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Fantasy murder
Author: J.D. Robb (AKA Nora Roberts)
Genre: Suspense
Sub-genre: Fantasy, Murder, Crime, Thriller, Women's Fiction, Chick Lit
Pages: 294
Published: 2004
Publisher: Putnam
ISBN: 0399151575
Reader's Annotation: Will Eve be able to solve the killings before they stop?
Summary: Eve Dallas, a lieutenant with the New York City Police in the year 2058 has a serial killer on her hands. As she continues to investigate the murders, she encounters Roarke, a man who both pushes her buttons and makes her attraction gnaw at her inside. Will she be able to solve both the murders and make a relationship with a well-known rich man work?
My Evaluation:While I had know about this series for sometime, I had yet to read them, as I was beginning to find many of Nora Roberts books... formulaic and got to be old. This series is still somewhat formulaic, as I figured out who did it within the first half of the book, but Roberts does throw some good twists and turns in and although it is set in the future, the futuristic stuff isn't all that hard to believe and it is not in your face as some fantasy novels are. I will definitely continue to read this series.
Rating: 4.8 out of 5
Chick Lit,
JD Robb,
Naked in Death,
Nora Roberts,
Women's Fiction
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Southern France and the Templars
Author: Steve Berry
Genre: Mystery
Sub-genre: Historical, murder, Suspense
Pages: 528
Published: 2007
Publisher: Ballantine Books
ISBN: 0345476166
Reader's Annotation: Will Cotton Malone return safety as a bookseller?
Summary: Cotton Malone, former Magellan Billet agent under Stephanie Nell, is retired as a bookseller in Copenhagen when his former boss drops a mystery into his lap and intrusts his help in solving a mystery dealing with her former husband and son. As the mystery unfold itself, the Templar knights appear and Cotton and Stephanie have to figure out how to save their lives and those they love.
My Evaluation:Wirtten nearly the same time as The Da Vinci Code, Steve Berry does a much better job with the Templar history. Having read this book out of order of the series, it is a little discerning to hear the back story between Cotton and Cassopia, but it is nice now to have that story. Berry keeps the reader interested and throws in many twists and turns. Not only does he provide an excellent mystery but he throws in so many historical details and it shows how much research he has done.
Rating: 4.8 out of 5
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
The Expected One by Kathleen McGowan
Sigma Force series by James Rollins
Altar of Eden by James Rollins
The Crystal Skull by Manda Scott
Historical mystery,
Steve Berry,
The Templar Legacy
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Hollywood connections
Author: Tom Bergeron
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-genre: Biography/Autobiography
Pages: 240
Published: 2009/2010 (Paperback)
Publisher: HarperOne
ISBN: 0061765880
Reader's Annotation: What makes Tom Bergeron the host that he is?
Summary: Tom Bergeron, host of Dancing With the Stars, talks about his life as a radio and TV host, with pitfalls and funny stories along the way
My Evaluation: I've been a huge fan of Tom ever since he started hosting America's Funniest Videos, and then Dancing With the Stars so I was super excited to read the book. Like Tom, it's full of funny stories that will make you laugh and some interesting dialogue to make you think. It's a good, fast read and really funny
Rating: 4 out of 5
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Does our experiences define our life?
Title: After You'd Gone
Author: Maggie O'Farrell
Genre: Woman's Fiction
Sub-genre: Modern, English
Pages: 374
Published: 2001
Publisher: Viking Books
ISBN: 0670894486
Reader's Annotation: Will Alice's tragedy bring a family closer together or break them apart?
Summary: Alice Raikes goes to visit her sisters in Scotland's capital but after witnessing something while in the restroom, she rushes back home to London. After getting off the train she is hit by a car and lays in a coma. As she lays there, her family comes and a secret long the past, or so some thought begins to emerge. How will Alice's story interweave into the story of her mother Ann or her grandmother Elspeth?
My Evaluation: Recommended to me by a friend, I wasn't quite sure about this book. I was very thrown in the beginning because the book does switch narratives quiet frequently and it took some getting use to. The stories of Alice both in first and third person are interwoven into her mother's Ann's story about marrying a Scot, as well as her grandmother's. The story is heartbreaking, especially for Alic and O'Farrell does an excellent job in getting the reader to care for her characters. However! I was completely and utterly unsatisfied with the ending!
Author: Maggie O'Farrell
Genre: Woman's Fiction
Sub-genre: Modern, English
Pages: 374
Published: 2001
Publisher: Viking Books
ISBN: 0670894486
Reader's Annotation: Will Alice's tragedy bring a family closer together or break them apart?
Summary: Alice Raikes goes to visit her sisters in Scotland's capital but after witnessing something while in the restroom, she rushes back home to London. After getting off the train she is hit by a car and lays in a coma. As she lays there, her family comes and a secret long the past, or so some thought begins to emerge. How will Alice's story interweave into the story of her mother Ann or her grandmother Elspeth?
My Evaluation: Recommended to me by a friend, I wasn't quite sure about this book. I was very thrown in the beginning because the book does switch narratives quiet frequently and it took some getting use to. The stories of Alice both in first and third person are interwoven into her mother's Ann's story about marrying a Scot, as well as her grandmother's. The story is heartbreaking, especially for Alic and O'Farrell does an excellent job in getting the reader to care for her characters. However! I was completely and utterly unsatisfied with the ending!
After You'd Gone,
Maggie O'Farrell,
Women's Fiction
Friday, March 30, 2012
Conspiracy thories
Title: The Lost Symbol
Author: Dan Brown
Genre: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Sub-genre: Historical, murder
Pages: 509
Published: 2009
Publisher: Doubleday Books
ISBN: 0385504225
Reader's Annotation: Can Robert Langdon save Washington DC?
Summary: Robert Langdon is brought to DC by way of his friend, but it turns out his friend is kidnapped. His kidnapper has left Langdon's friend's hand in the middle of the Capital Rotunda and orders Langdon to solve a mystery in order to free his friend. This mystery if solved, could have disastrous effects for Washington DC and the world at large.
My Evaluation: I thoroughly enjoyed Angels and Demons (book #1 in this trilogy) and The Da Vinci Code (book #2) was good, but this book... I got about halfway through and I knew the ending already. Brown's books after you've read one or two are extremely formulaic and I don't really like that. I do not recommend you read this out of order, otherwise there are things that won't make sense. I do love how Brown twists conspiracy theories, especially those dealing with Freemasonry, into a story and get people talking about secret societies, but again, 3/4 of the way through the book, there were no surprises left.
Rating: 3 out of 5
The Romanov Prophecy by Steve Berry
The Amber Room by Steve Berry
The Solomon Effect by C.S. Graham
The Expected One by Kathleen McGowan
Sigma Force series by James Rollins
Altar of Eden by James Rollins
The Crystal Skull by Manda Scott
Dan Brown,
Historical mystery,
The Lost Symbol,
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Historical literature time travel
Author: Jasper Fforde
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-genre: Historical, time-travel, mystery
Pages: 374
Published: 2003
Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics)
ISBN: 0142001805
Reader's Annotation: Can a change in a book change the world?
Summary: Thursday Next, a LitraTec SpecOps officer is thrust into a mystery involving several well-known British books including Jane Eyre. She must solve the mystery, save her uncle's life, and at the same time, find her true love.
My Evaluation: Holy son of a mother this book was HORRIBLE!!! Horribly written, horrible to try to follow, and just a bit hot mess. Thorough out the book, there are these random little things that make absolutely no sense and have no place in the book. Plus, I always felt like I was missing something. Several times in the book, things were mentioned but were never explained, including times, terms, and other events. Not to mention all the historical inaccuracies, Fforde, obviously did not do his research. The mystery part of the book had good bones but again I always felt like I was missing something.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Jasper Fforde,
The Eyre Affair,
time travel
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Getting to know the real Catherine
Author: Robert K. Massie
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-genre: Biography
Pages: 625
Published: 2011
Publisher: Random House
ISBN: 0679456724
Reader's Annotation: One of the most influential and powerful women in history is not who most people think she is.
Summary: Massie, well known for his work in Russian history, brings to life one of the great women of the 18th century. He describes not only the life and court of Catherine the Great but brings in historical elements so that the reader can understand and gain perspective on the decisions that were made.
My Evaluation: There were two reasons that I read this book, One, I had read Massie's Pulitzer Prize winning book, Nicholas and Alexandra previously and I wanted to read this book after reading that book to gain some historical perspective on how previous Russian tzars had influenced the decisions that Nicholas made for his country. Secondly, my relatives on my mother's side (they were German), joined Catherine in Russia, eventually settling on the Volga River and I wanted to learn more about what their life would have been like under this important ruler. Massie, ever the consummate historian, brings to life a story of a brilliant woman that few in the 21st century know about. This book is long but it is extremely well written and well researched. The life of Catherine both in Germany and finally in Russian is well versed in both brilliance and struggles. Massie is excellent at showing the reader that what happens in a person's past definitely affects their future decisions. The one thing I think readers will take away from this book, even not remembering a thing about Catherine is that: she did not die by having sex with a horse!
Rating: 4 out of 5
Nicholas and Alexandra: The Classic Account of the Fall of the Romanov Dynasty
Events mentioned in this book that you might find interesting:
Push Not the River (Polish Trilogy #1) by James Conroyd Martin (Deals with late 1700s Poland and the carving it by Catherine the Great)
Against A Crimson Sky (Polish Trilogy #2) by James Conroyd Martin
Madame Tussard by Michelle Moran (Historical Fiction with a ton of real life research about her life during the French Revolution at the end of Catherine the Great's reign)
Catherine the Great,
Robert K. Massie
Sunday, March 25, 2012
What do you tell your friends?
Author: Rob Lowe
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-genre: Memoir, Auto-Biography
Pages: 306
Published: 2011
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
ISBN: 080509329X
Reader's Annotation: Rob Lowe uses humor and personality to show us his life
Summary: Lowe takes the reader on a journey from his humble beginnings in Ohio through his tumultuous years as a Hollywood star and finally to his his beginnings on West Wing, he brings humor and great storytelling to let you into his world.
My Evaluation: I fell in love with Rob Lowe on the West Wing (though I knew who he was before than, hello Austin Powers :)) so when I heard he was writing a book, I couldn't wait to read it. It completely lived up to my expectations. There was only one thing I didn't really like and that was Rob expected the reader to know every detail (like his escapade with an underage girl). He hints at things but never fully explains them. After reading this book, I have gained even more respect for him, both as an actor and as a human being.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Rob Lowe
Friday, March 23, 2012
Paris mysteries
Author: Cara Black
Genre: Crime
Sub-genre: Mystery, Parisian
Pages: 354
Published: 2003
Publisher: Soho Crime
ISBN: 1569471592
Reader's Annotation: Will Parisian ghosts catch up with Aimee?
Summary: Aimee takes a case that makes her question everything including who she can actually trust.
My Evaluation: This story had good framework and for the most part I liked it. However, there were just some areas where seemed incredibly out of place, kind of like Black did not explain a detail enough for the reader to make sense of why it mattered. but overall I really enjoyed it. It was a good crime/mystery book. I'll probably pick up the next in the series. The only thing that really annoyed me about the book was Black not translating the foreign words. The French wasn't an issue, it was the German. It drives me nuts if any other does that.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Cara Black,
Murder in the Marais,
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
River Runs
Author: Elisabeth Hyde
Genre: Adventure
Sub-genre: Southwest
Pages: 304
Published: 2009
Publisher: Knopf Publishing Group
ISBN: 0307263673
Reader's Annotation: Will they ever get down the river?
Summary: Grand Canyon river guide, JT takes a group of individuals down the Colorado river. Along they way they meet new people and go through parlous situations.
My Evaluation: I don't really know what to make of it. It was a decent book. I thoroughly enjoyed the way it was written. It was really easy to read and was faster paced then I thought it was originally going to be but the first half of the book was slow.. really slow. I definitely identified with Amy alot for the first half of the book... second half not so much (won't give away why). But overall when I got to the end I couldn't put it down.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Elisabeth Hyde,
In the Heart of the Canyon,
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Conspiracy theories
Title: The Poet Prince
Author: Kathleen McGowan
Genre: Historical Fiction
Sub-genre: Mystery
Series number: Is book 3 in the Magdalene Line Series
Pages: 408
Published: 2010
Publisher: Touchstone
ISBN: 0743299981
Reader's Annotation: Where will Maureen's work take her now?
Summary: Maureen's work has led her through France and Tuscany, Now, she must continue her research into the Spear of Destiny and Beringer's own family line. Twists and turns will come along the way as, Maureen, Beringer, Tammy, Roland, and Peter intertwine their pasts.
My Evaluation: While I thoroughly enjoy McGowan's writing style (I have written about the first book here), I didn't like this book as much. The first 1/3 of the book seemed to be a rehashing of the first two which, if you're reading this one you didn't need. I also felt like McGowan was rushing this one a bit. While the other two I listened to as audiobooks, this didn't matter so much but not having chapters annoyed me quiet a bit
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Author: Kathleen McGowan
Genre: Historical Fiction
Sub-genre: Mystery
Series number: Is book 3 in the Magdalene Line Series
Pages: 408
Published: 2010
Publisher: Touchstone
ISBN: 0743299981
Reader's Annotation: Where will Maureen's work take her now?
Summary: Maureen's work has led her through France and Tuscany, Now, she must continue her research into the Spear of Destiny and Beringer's own family line. Twists and turns will come along the way as, Maureen, Beringer, Tammy, Roland, and Peter intertwine their pasts.
My Evaluation: While I thoroughly enjoy McGowan's writing style (I have written about the first book here), I didn't like this book as much. The first 1/3 of the book seemed to be a rehashing of the first two which, if you're reading this one you didn't need. I also felt like McGowan was rushing this one a bit. While the other two I listened to as audiobooks, this didn't matter so much but not having chapters annoyed me quiet a bit
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
historical fiction,
The Poet Prince
Friday, March 16, 2012
Anno Dracula
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Title: Anno Dracula
Author: Kim Newman
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-genre: Vampire fiction, vampire mystery
Pages: 409
Published: 1992
Publisher: Titan
ISBN: 2290049662
Reader's Annotation: A vampire is now the Prince Consort. Will England be the same?
Summary: Charles Beauregard must solve the murders in London's Whitechapel using the help if an elder vampire
My Evaluation: I was extremely skeptical of this book. I normally am not a fan of vampire stuff (though I did like the show Moonlight but that had a lot more to do with the man who placed the main character). However, the book was pretty decent, once I ignored the fact that Newman combined and changed histories. There were two things I really disliked about the book. The first was that Newman told the readers who the murderer was WAY to earlier in the book! I couldn't believe it. It would have been better to keep the reader in suspense for a longer time. The second thing I didn't like was the ending. There was some reason but not a lot and I wish Newman had "cleaned" up things...
Rating: 4 out of 5
Anno Dracula,
Kim Newman,
Vampire Fiction
Friday, March 9, 2012
Little Women
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Title: Little Women
Author: Lousia May Alcott
Genre: Fiction
Sub-genre: Coming of age, romance
Pages: 643
Published: Originally published as two books, one, Little Women in 1868, and Good Wives, in 1869. The above version, which is the version I own was published in 1947 and includes both Little Women and Good Wives in one book.
Publisher: Originally by Roberts Brothers but this version was published by Grosset & Dunlap
ISBN: 0488060191
Reader's Annotation: How will life treat the four March sisters?
Summary: The first book, Little Women, opens with the four girls on Christmas Eve. Set during the Civil War, their father is away and the girls are lamenting this and that they are poor, among other things. Alcott two classically loved books take us through the lives of Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy and their trials and joys in life.
My Evaluation: Having seen two of the three versions of the movie, it was definitely an experiment for me to read the book now. I try not to do that but in this case in worked and I put the movie characters out of my mind (I'll discuss how well the movie did in a minute). While long, this book is excellent and a must read, for at least every girl out there. Alcott makes each one of the girls relatable and each girl has one thing or another that I wouldn't mind having myself. Alcott also makes the men in this story easy to fall in love with and makes great cases for why each man is which each girl.
My favorite version of the book is the 1994 version with Kirsten Dunst and Winona Ryder. Now, having read the book, I can see it is an excellent adaptation, which I rarely say about a movie based on a book. They always get something wrong. They did not in this movie, with the exception of changing the order of some of the events and the way that Beth dies.
And to the people that think this is a children's novel. It is not. Alcott never intended it to be. While she did write children's and young adult literature in her later years, most of her work were originally published as adult fiction.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Coming of age,
LIttle Women,
Louisa May Alcott,
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Killer profile
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Title: Killer Profile
Author: Max Allan Collins
Genre: Crime
Sub-genre: True Crime fiction
Pages: 288
Published: 2008
Publisher: Signet
ISBN: 0451223829
Reader's Annotation: Will the BAU team be apply to profile the killer to save a life?
Summary: The BAU team is called to Chicago to help on a case where a man is copying famous serial killers
My Evaluation: For fans of the show, this is a good book. However if you're a hardcore fan of the show and have watched it from the beginning, I don't know if I'd bother reading it because they did this case in one episode (can't remember which off the top of my head) so it's kind of anti-climatic. It was still a fun read and any crime book like that I'll take :) Plus Max Allan Collins knows how to write crime. He's written several CSI franchise (I know of at least both of CSI: Las Vegas, and CSI: Miami) as well as at least two books for the Bones fandom.
Rating: 3 out of 5
Killer Profile,
Max Allan Collins
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Historical time travel
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Author: Connie Willis
Genre: Science Fiction
Sub-genre: historical
Pages: 434
Published: 1997
Publisher: Bantam Books
ISBN: 0553099957
Reader's Annotation: Will they get back to the time to save a Cathedral?
Summary: Ned has to travel back in time to figure out what happened to the Bishops Bird stump and help it back to the present (2058)
My Evaluation: Oh my word... This book was ridiculous... the mystery was okay but there was so much random fluff that was not necessary. As well as there were so many things that took forever to explain, for example the bird stump actually was. It wasn't explained until over half-way through the book which was really dumb. It was just way way to long that didn't need to be.
Rating: 2.4 out of 5
Saturday, February 25, 2012
When Cake decorators go horrible wrong
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Author: Jen Yates
Genre: Popular Non-Fiction
Sub-genre: Humor
Pages: 191
Published: 2009
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
ISBN: 0740785370
Reader's Annotation: In the city within a city, what happens when a crime is committed?
Summary: The first book by Jen Yates who runs a blog about fantastic mess-ups of cake decorators. This book gives examples of many different concepts such as Cupcake Cakes (which are a no-no)
My Evaluation: Jen Yates has a fantastical sense of her audience and her writing style is just awesome. This book is full of amazingly bad cakes and a couple good ones for good measure. She tells the story of how her blog came to be and her overall wit is second to none. If you've never read Jen's blog then you're missing out on great fun! Her books are the same way
Rating: 5 out of 5
Cake Wrecks,
Jen Yates,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Is it or isn't it there?
photo of cover from |
Author: China Miéville
Genre: Science Fiction
Sub-genre: Urban, mystery, crim
Pages: 312
Published: 2009
Publisher: Ballantine Books
ISBN: 978-0-345-49751-2
Reader's Annotation: In the city within a city, what happens when a crime is committed?
Summary: A murdered women is found in the town of Beszel, which shares streets with Ul Qoma. Inspector Tyador Borlú must find out who murdered her and why. When he starts to dig things change and his life as well as the lives of those he meets is put in danger.
My Evaluation: holy son of a mother... This book was messed up. The plot, of a murdered women was excellent but the story surround it was not. There were not only grammatically issues within the book but WAY too much swearing. Not only that, there were things that were not explained and you as the reader just had to guess at what they were. For example, if the detective was in Beszel, he had to "unseen" everything that was across the street in Ul Qoma. It just made no sense. Plus it was hard to follow with names and words that were extremely hard to pronounce. Plus the book never really tells you who did what.. I mean it does but it doesn't. The author left a lot of holes and things unexplained. Plus there were these odd jumps in the conversation that didn't fit..
Rating: 3.3 out of 5
China Miéville,
Science fiction,
The City and The City
Thursday, February 16, 2012
A Family Secret
Title: Sarah's Key
Author: Tatiana de Rosnay
Genre: Historical
Sub-genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 294
Published: 2007
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
ISBN: 9780312370848
Reader's Annotation: A family's secret could change Julia's life forever
Summary: In researching for an upcoming article, Julia Jarmond is looking into the Vel' d'Hiv round-up that happened in Paris in July of 1942. Her story of her research and discovery of a family secret intertwines with that of Sarah, a 10 year old Jewish girl in the summer of 1942
My Evaluation: (SPOILERS AHEAD) I adore this book so much. This is now the second time I've read it and it still makes me cry! I'm very attached this book because of my background in genocidal studies/history and the fact that it intrigues me that de Rosnay draws you in with both stories. The first time I read it, I kind of hated the switching back and forth of the chapters but the second time it didn't phase me. I know why de Rosnay did it and it works so well for this book. The optimist in me, kind of wishes (still after the second reading) that Julia would have found Sarah alive in the end, but I get why de Rosnay played it out the way she did.
Rating: 5 out of 5
Read-a-likes: Here are a couple read-a-likes for this book that I adored:
The Kommandant's Girl by Pam Jenoff
Push Not the River by James Conroyd Martin
Skeletons at the Feast by Chris Bohjalian
historical fiction,
Sarah's Key,
Tatiana de Rosnay
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Garden love
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My copy |
Title: Jennifer's Garden
Author: Dianne Venetta
Genre: Romance
Pages: 412
Published: 2011
Publisher: Self-Published
ISBN: 9780983246428
Reader's Annotation: A well designed garden can change a person's life
Summary: Dr. Jennifer Hamilton is cardiologist in Coral Gables Florida and engaged to a successful art gallery manager. She's planning her wedding sooner rather than later because her mother is slowly dying. Due to a Hamilton tradition, she is getting married in her backyard. However, it is a mess, so on the recommendation of a friend, she hires Jackson Montgomery. Suddenly things start to make her question her decisions.
My Evaluation: Very very typical romance. It's very predictable. I really should stop reading romance novels because they make me very annoyed at times. While Venetta has a very enjoyable writing style, there were parts of the book, where characters would talk about things and they didn't make any sense because there was no back story. Or she would introduce characters without any explanation of who they were. One thing that majorly annoyed me was both the main character and her best friend would talk about Tony, especially early in the book but it took over halfway through the book to explain the whole "Tony" situation and in the end it was no big deal. From the way it was talked about in the beginning of the book, I was expecting that he raped or something more dramatic than being caught by her father. It was just so random and didn't require all the build up. There were very enjoyable parts of this book, however. The main one was the way Venetta writes descriptions, especially of her characters looks or the garden that Jackson is building for Jennifer. I could actually picture the garden.
Rating: 3 out 5
My copy is autographed!
Dianne Venetta,
Jennifer's Garden,
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
When the toys come alive
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Title: Toys
Author: James Patterson
Genre: Science Fiction
Sub-genre: Suspense, apocalyptic, future worlds
Published: 2011
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
ISBN: 0316097365
Reader's Annotation: What would you if everything you've ever known turned out to be a lie?
Summary: Hays Baker is an "Elite" and works for "The Agency" in the year 2061 Called to a murder scene that puzzles him to no end, he takes off after one of the bad guys. After catching him on the roof, they wrestle and fall off the building, ten stories. This fall isn't the only fall Hays would take in the next few hours and days. Briefly waking up in the hospital and heading into surgery, his life is about to be completely turned upside down and possible lose everything he's ever known
My Evaluation: I've had this audiobook for some time and I started it a while back but didn't have the time to finish it. Normally, Sci-Fi isn't my thing but I figured I'd give this book a shot because well let's face it, Matt Bomer is dreamy :) His voice makes this book all the more better. The action was fast (some of the shortest chapters I've ever heard for an audiobook) and kept me in suspense! I think that's what it more pleasurable is that it was a suspense novel taking place in the future. The only downside to this book, was listening to the audiobook, there was music at certain parts and it was rather annoying. I do find it interesting that Patterson set the book in 2061, which really isn't that far off (49 years). And yet for the stuff that happens in this book to happen, there would have to be MAJOR advances in everything. I guess that's why they call it sci-fi. I've only read one other James Patterson book, a ChicLit book, The Christmas Wedding, so this was a huge switch... I'm not quite sure I like his writing style from either book since they're completely different. I might pick up a different book of his to see.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Sicence Fiction,
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